PTA Forms
Complete the this form if you are interested in helping out on campus. Volunteers in the classroom or chaperoning field trips must be a RUSD Board-approved volunteer.
Digital version coming soon! The PTA historian collects volunteer hours and submits an annual report to council and district PTAs. If you are a committee chair, please complete this form to track all volunteer hours for a specific PTA event and return to the PTA mailbox in the Kimberly Elementary office.
Digital version coming soon! The PTA historian collects volunteer hours and submits an annual report to council and district PTAs. Please track all individual volunteer hours and return this completed form to the PTA mailbox in the Kimberly Elementary office.
Detailed records of monies received by the association are required. The cash verification form provides written proof that association funds were counted by at least two members, one of whom is an officer or the committee chairman. A copy of the signed form must be given to the PTA treasurer as well as all counters listed on the form.
A written request for payment of an expenditure or reimbursement is required. The bottom of the form records the date the expenditure was authorized in the minutes and is signed by the president and secretary. Complete this form, making sure to attach all receipts, and return to PTA treasurer.
PTA Resources
The PTA structure is organized from the bottom up, starting with the local PTA at your child’s school and going all the way to National PTA. Kimberly PTA is supported by council, district, state and national PTA.